Sunday, December 18, 2011

Coming to a blog near you...

I am pondering uploading my unpublished short stories to my blog.  I have been very lucky—since I started my writing career, I’ve had six short stories published.  This makes me feel accomplished and has given me the boost I need to take the next step.  I feel it is time to seriously start working on my as a novelist.
 For the last few weeks I have been working on a novel.  This would be my first (completed) one.  I finished a novelette last year around this time.  When I was writing, I had the full intention of fleshing it out and creating a full length book.  That hasn’t happened, although it might happen sometime in the future.  I have started writing a different novel; based on an idea I had years ago.  I am excited.  As I write this blog entry, I am 27 pages into the story.  I feel great!
You might be asking what this has to do with publishing stories to my blog.  To be honest, I don’t want to be thinking about submitting short stories while I’m hard at work on my book.  Besides, I’ve wanted to share examples my work with my blog reading audience for awhile.   So this kills two birds with one stone.   It also gives me a clean slate to start submitting for the New Year. Anything I submit in 2012 will be a new piece of fiction.
The only stories I will not be publishing on the blog are the ones from my fiction collection, Almost Midnight.  I am hoping to release it someday as an independent e-book.
On a more personal note, we have started the official count down until Christmas!  I’ve been working on my story Christmas cards and I made cookies.  I want to savior every moment of this holiday season, but I have a feeling it is going to fly!


  1. You've been a busy bee! And you've enjoyed some nice success in getting published.

  2. Very cool- what are your story genres?
