Sunday, August 28, 2011


While today is rainy and yucky, I shall commit myself to admin work.  You know the drill: looking up places to send my work, typing out letters, printing stories, and stamping envelopes.  You stuff it all together and--bam!--you have a submission.  My goal is to have 17 submission done by the end of the day.  I completed 3 last night.  20 submissions will equal a productive weekend.

My home is safe from the hurricane.  I know several of my readers are not so lucky,  Please be safe in this time of horrid weather!

Thursday, August 25, 2011


I have been on the short list for this amazing, super cool anthology for a few months.  I was so proud to be "short listed".  I felt brilliant and creative.  I have been waiting for an acceptance letter for confirmation of my brilliance and creativity.  Well, it never came.  And that letter is never coming.

Rejection today.  Sigh.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


It was a dilemma tonight.  Should I tackle a few house keeping chores around my blog or around my house?  The blog won.  (Just don't eat off my kitchen floor.)  I fixed my "current work" section, my "publications" section, and my list on the right side of the blog for "publications around the web."  Why, you ask?  "Cause I've been published again!  I have two short shorts published in the second issue of 5x5 Fiction.  Yippee!!!!  Check them out, and tell me what you think.