Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Caitlin's Journal from Tuesday, December 8th

Collage made from crayons, watercolors, markers, buttons, magazine clippings, and tags from the Hello Kitty beach towel I bought last summer.  

I think this is a page from a 12 year old's journal.  At least, I felt like a 12 year old when I was making it. 

Monday, April 2, 2012

Bernadette's Journal from Monday, October 13th

The page from Bernadette's Journal from Monday, October 13th. 

In case you are wondering, yes I do make all of the collages featured during the A to Z challenge.  This one is created from crayons, oil pastels, paint, magazine clippings, wall paper, and watercolors.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Andrea's Journal from Sunday, October 16th

The page from Andrea's Journal from Sunday, October 16th. 

Last year, the A to Z challenge was a blast.  I posted 26 different 100 word stories including "A is for Apple," "B is for Benjamin's Book," etc.  So what am I doing for A to Z challenge this year?  I decided on posting Visual Journal pages.  These are selected "journal" pages from 26 different people I have created.  Of course, because it is the A to Z challenge, all of their names will start with the day's letter.  At the end of this, I will post a story that will included all 26 characters.  Think of it as a glimpse into my characters' private lives.  Ohh, sneaky.  :)

I hope you enjoy these collages and I welcome you to come back everyday to see the new ones.  Remember I am a night owl, so almost everything will be posted late in the day.

Hope your own A to Z blogging is going well!